Finally, you should meet with your chosen financial planner and begin to invest. You and your financial planner will consider your goals, then figure out a workable plan for you to get there. He or sh
Then you should interview several financial planners before choosing one. You should find a financial planner that you feel comfortable with and who listens to you and carefully considers your needs.
Gather information from several planners before you decide on who to go interview. Many financial planners have income or investment minimums that you must meet before they will work with you.
Don’t just put your money with the first financial planner you meet with. Do your research online, then ask around. Often, word of mouth is the best way to find a great financial planner.
Before you meet with a financial planner, you need to determine what you want to accomplish in terms of long and short-term goals.
Take an evening or weekend to write down your specific money-related
Once you’ve protected your income-generating ability with disability insurance, protected your dependents with life insurance, and protected your other assets by having a six-month emergency fun
Life insurance is generally a necessity for your financial safety net if you have dependents like children or a spouse who would suffer financially if you were to die. Ask yourself, what would my fami
Long-term disability insurance helps replace your income if you are unable to work due to illness or injury. Many people consider this coverage a luxury, when in fact, it should be considered a necess
Sometimes also known as a “rainy day” fund, an emergency fund is generally a stash of money held in a liquid savings account that is specifically set aside for unexpected events that carry
A financial safety net is not one savings account or an insurance policy, but rather a comprehensive portfolio of risk-reducing measures. A financial safety net is meant to protect you and your family