Let’s say you’re in Boracay! You are at the height of fun and excitement taking advantage of the warm sunshine, the fine white sand, and the very cool blue waters when suddenly, you felt those biting burns in your skin. Yes, it’s pretty disturbing.Sunburn are one of the most irritating stuff while walking in sunshine with severe heat.


Useful Skin Tips: How to protect your skin from painful sunburns:

1. Apply Sunscreen

This is a must-have when you pack your summer holiday bag. SPF 30 will do but the higher, the better.

2. Reapply Once In A While

The longer you stay under the sun; the initial application will likely run out of effect, so take time to reapply. It will not take that much of your time.

3. Avoid Exposure During Peak Sun Hours

Take a break during high noon and an hour or two after, as this is confirmed to be at its dangerous mode. Besides, you will not like to roast yourself dry, for sure.

4. Cover-up Yourself

A wide-brimmed hat will protect the most important asset – your face. This will protect your head as well from direct sunlight. A lightweight hat would be best so you do not feel that there’s something atop your head at all.

5. Drink Lots of Water

It is always best to refill your fluids. You will likely end up dehydrated if you stay out long in the heat of the sun without replacing what you’re sweating out. So prepare a pitcher of water next to you to refresh up time and again.

6. Wear Sun Glasses

Your eyes, being the window to your soul needs utmost care. Aviator glasses or just any dark eye covers would do. Try to avoid the plastic sun glasses as they can be itchy.

7. Oil Your Hair

Your crowning glory, the thick canopy on top of your head needs extra protection just the same. Since direct heat of the sun is proven cancerous, why risk the chance of losing those strands of hair, or if not, burn them. Just like our skin, you might stress it out.

8. Seek Shade Once In A While

Take a few rests off the heat when soaking. Relaxing somewhere cooler once after an hour or two will regenerate your dried up dermis. This could be the time you spend when drinking water or fruit juices at the less sunny part of wherever you are having a dose of the sun.

9. Protect Yours Ears

It may always be forgotten since you do not see it at all, so you should bear this is mind. Your ears can also be as exposed as the rest of your body, thus it is as well prone to sunburns. Either you apply sunscreen to it also or you might want to cover it up just the same.

10. Don’t Overexpose

Do it moderately. When you’re tanning, you should get off from overexposure. It has been said that too much of something is bad enough. Take the intensity of the heat into consideration as the longer you get exposed, the more likely you get these dreaded sunburns.


Take note of these helpful tips to protect your skin, and have a sunburn free getaway.