Do you think you know everything about Egg?

When you think you do, you should think again. Eggs have facts that are only known for a few. The egg rate was never a problem in any market. Instead, the egg prices may go up or down, but the healthy facts it brings, stays the same. An egg rate can tell how much of the eating population are served well. See below 5 of the facts every food-eating human should learn:


1. Egg on your facial creams and other beauty products.

Egg revitalizes skin according to dermatological studies. Egg whites are used in the ancient times, and even as of today, as facial mask. It dries quickly and when peeled off, it leaves off the strengthening of the face – a natural face-lift. Egg yolks, on the other hand, has lecithin content used as strengthening ingredient in shampoos and conditioner.


2. Egg yolk and egg white has different nutritional content.

An egg may come as one but the health benefits differ per part. Egg yolk has the most vitamins and minerals while egg white has the proteins. These are all beneficial to the nutritional diet of an average person. Thus, eggs are also natural health bomb, which when taken regularly, can aid in keeping a well-maintained healthy body.


3. Eggs when under-cooked can cause diarrhea.

Reports show that there had been people diagnosed to have diarrhea caused by salmonella brought about by eggs not cooked well. This can be contradictory to the belief of some tribes in tropical countries that raw eggs when eaten are a good source of energy.


4. Eggs are high in cholesterol – good cholesterol.

When you hear about cholesterol, a negative pitch comes in mind. This is harmful to the heart. Eggs have lots of it, but it’s the other cholesterol – High Density Lipoprotein. This lowers the risk of stroke and similar state. Hard boiled, sunny side up, beaten or scrambled – regardless of the number of ways eggs can be prepared, this HDL keeps your nerves from working overtime. It moderates blood circulation and calms the veins, which are usually common symptoms of high blood pressure.


5. Eggs are good for the eyes.

Lute in is a health nutrient responsible in having good eyesight. Several food supplements with lutein are introduced to the market. This is in the form of synthetic capsules. Intake of egg in a considerable amount can keep you from cataracts and any other eye problems. This is the most inexpensive way of maintaining good pair of eyes.


Now that you have learned about these amazing health facts about eggs, it’s time for you to start including it in your daily meals. 1 or 2 eggs a day will ensure a healthy you powered by the complete dietary inclusions present on it. If you have not been a fan of eggs before, read again the facts above. The egg rate in every household should be considerable, as it is a great source of essential nutrients needed by the body. Eat healthy. Eat eggs.